Saturday, September 08, 2007

GtkCanvas and Transitions

This week I and Andrunko had some discussions about a light implementation of Gtk components to use in applications with animations like fade, transitions, resizes, like QT uses QGraphicsView.

On Gtk a big discussion already started on gtk-devel mailing list, about a new GtkCanvas implementation. Some studies about the current canvas states can be found at [].

While nothing is decided we (I and Andrunko) using the free time, started a implementation of transitions based in GtkTimeline[] .

With this new component you can create animations very easy using GObject properties, like this code above:

transition = gtk_transition_new (2000);

gtk_timeline_set_loop (GTK_TIMELINE (transition), TRUE);

state = gtk_transition_add_state (transition, NULL, G_OBJECT (label), 0.5);

gtk_transition_state_set (state, "angle", 0.0, 360.0, NULL);

state = gtk_transition_add_state (transition, state, G_OBJECT (label), 1.0);

gtk_transition_state_set (state, "angle", 360.0, 0.0, NULL);

gtk_timeline_start (GTK_TIMELINE (transition));

I already have this running on my n800 and my desktop, I will be posting a video later to show you this.



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