Tapioca# and Landell Status
After a long time without news about the Landell project, I post this entry to keep you updated about landell and Tapioca# status.
Landell is a Voip client written in C#, after some time working on the new Tapioca# implementation and on Telepathy# using new Dbus# implementation by ALP, I needed to update Landell for this new framework. A lot of work is necessary for this, I and Kenneth have already started this process to produce a test version (this version is not stable, and is not recommended for use yet). After this rewrite of several classes was necessary, and this consumes much time an work, and unfortunately I'm very busy with private projects and gmyth, therefore I needed to pause Landell project.
The good news is: Kenneth is working on a new Voip Client called Coligo, written in Python, this project is progreding very fast. Some pictures and status can be found on project page.