Tuesday, September 25, 2007

GMythStream and libgmyth

After the release of MaemoMyth, some people are having problems with GMythStream, then Melunko[1] created this page[2] to help us to solve the most common problems.

Another great news is about Totem[3] and libgmyth[4], Bastien Nocerap[5] is working on totem plugin engine and a plugin to MythTv using libgmyth. And now libgmyth is part of Fedora development project. You can find the rpm packages in this site[6].








Monday, September 24, 2007

MaemoMyth release 0.1 beta

MaemoMyth is a Maemo front-end to MythTv, with this you can watch live TV, and recorded files.

To make MaemoMyth work with mythv backend it's necessary to use gmyth streamer server that will convert your files to a format supported by the device. Instructions to install GMS and configure your environment can be found here[1].

More information about MaemoMyth visit the project page[1]. The source code is available on garage project[2].

[1] http://gmyth.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

[2] http://garage.maemo.org/projects/mtv/


Saturday, September 08, 2007

GtkCanvas and Transitions

This week I and Andrunko had some discussions about a light implementation of Gtk components to use in applications with animations like fade, transitions, resizes, like QT uses QGraphicsView.

On Gtk a big discussion already started on gtk-devel mailing list, about a new GtkCanvas implementation. Some studies about the current canvas states can be found at [

While nothing is decided we (I and Andrunko) using the free time, started a implementation of transitions based in GtkTimeline[http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=444659] .

With this new component you can create animations very easy using GObject properties, like this code above:

transition = gtk_transition_new (2000);

gtk_timeline_set_loop (GTK_TIMELINE (transition), TRUE);

state = gtk_transition_add_state (transition, NULL, G_OBJECT (label), 0.5);

gtk_transition_state_set (state, "angle", 0.0, 360.0, NULL);

state = gtk_transition_add_state (transition, state, G_OBJECT (label), 1.0);

gtk_transition_state_set (state, "angle", 360.0, 0.0, NULL);

gtk_timeline_start (GTK_TIMELINE (transition));

I already have this running on my n800 and my desktop, I will be posting a video later to show you this.



Videocenter is an application to control your podcast, videocast, watch internet TV, and much more, using your N800.

I have been working on this application for a long time, now you can dowload this application from videocenter gararage site and try it.

Another links about Videocenter:


Sunday, September 02, 2007


What is conduit?
Conduit is a synchronization solution for GNOME which allows the user to take their emails, files, bookmarks, and any other type of personal information and synchronize that data with another computer, an online service, or even another electronic device.

This weekend I spent some time on this amazing project and create a simple module to keep you updated with the latest youtube videos which was already integrated in svn code.

Some of the ideas I have for conduit include integration with N800 device to synchronize contacts, playlists, bookmarks, musics, photos, videos, and much more. Part of the work has already started with the network module writen by John Stowers, which uses avahi to publish the synchronization service over the network.

You are welcome to join us on conduit project
